Stewardship. It extends so much farther beyond a financial perspective. Stewardship also applies to time, gifts, talents and our very lives. What are we doing with what we have? Are we stewarding it properly to leverage the greatest return?
The good news is that we’ve all been given something. In some cases, we have been given multiple different things. But the truth about stewardship is that it comes down to what we will do with what we’ve been given.
1.) Acknowledge what you have: Sometimes we tend to forget just how blessed we are. Start by making a list of all that you’ve been given stewardship over. Don’t focus on your lack and what you don’t have or wish you had. Simply focus on what you do have.
2.) Respond in Gratitude: Read the list out loud and respond in gratitude. When was the last time you said thank you to God for all of the things He has given you both great and small. Choose to practice being gracious and thankful. It won’t just happen naturally so deliberately plan to say out loud what you are thankful for.
3.) Evaluate how you are currently stewarding: what are you currently doing with your finances, time, resources, talents and gifts. Are you making the most of them and using them to affect others in a positive way? Make a list of how you’re currently practicing stewardship amongst what you’ve been given.
4.) Plan for how you can become a better steward: Look at the list that you made and identify other opportunities to become a better steward or to practice stewardship in a new way. There will always be room for growth no matter how old we get. We must simply be open and available to growing.
So would you consider yourself a good steward of what you have? If not, practice becoming better at stewardship by actively paying attention to it in your life and looking for additional ways to apply it in a practical and realistic way.
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