Life is a race worth running. We are all alive but are you running your race or are you just standing on the sidelines watching it pass you by?
Know the Course: What makes you come alive? What job would you do for free? What do you find yourself thinking about everyday? Our passions are not far from us. They are the things that stay on our minds, captivate our hearts and resonate in our souls. We must not only know what we’re passionate about but we must also be intentionable about the course we want to take. The course is not just about you. Align yourself with something greater than yourself
Stay on Course: Sometimes the road can seem long, flat and boring. Sometimes it is hilly, slippery and you can’t see the other side. Whatever part of the road you’re on, remember that it’s just a season. This is not the road you will always remain on so just keep moving along at a steady pace staying faithful to the course before you.
Don’t Be Discouraged By Obstacles: Obstacles are bound to come along the way but do not be dismayed or discouraged by the obstacles. The obstacles are what make you stronger, teach you to adapt and gradually improve your reflexes.
Pick it Up: There’s always an opportunity to refine yourself and become better. If you’ve been steadily running the race for a long time, it might be time to pick up the pace again. Learn a new skill set within your field, connect with colleagues that are where you want to be someday, look for opportunities to mentor the next generation.
Check Your Heart Rate: It’s always good to know where you stand. Don’t forget to check your heart rate. Is your heart open or is it bound up in worry, stress and unforgiveness? Check your heart rate to ensure that it’s beating in step with the future you desire.
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