Watch what happens when you don’t give up…
What No One Tells You About Growth
1.) It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
The race will not immediately be over, instead it’s about making a commitment to make little steps over a long period of time. It might seem exhausting but with each step you are making a “step” an improvement, a stride towards the finish line and towards your desired goal, so KEEP GOING!
2.) Don’t Focus Solely on Appearances
It may look stagnant at times (but you’re either taking a step forward or backwards; if you’re doing the right thing, then you are taking a step forward so keep on doing the right thing regardless of it you can see the progress immediately.There may be times when it looks like nothing is happening. But keep going anyway. Don’t live based on appearances. If you’re doing the right thing, you might not be rewarded at every moment but keep on doing the right thing.
3.) Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People
Everyone’s journey looks different because we are all so uniquely differently crafted by God. You were not created to look like, sound like, be like, act like, etc. anyone else except you. God expects for you to be the best you not the best replicated version of the person next to you or the person you most admire.
4.) It Might Hurt – Growth Can Be Painful
There’s a lot of truth when it comes to the word “growing pains.” Often in order to grow and keep growing, we might experience pain in the process. For example, in order for muscles to grow, the muscle fibers must be torn so that they can rebuild themselves to be stronger, in order for a palm tree’s roots to grow deep into the ground, sometimes large weights are placed on top of it to force the trees roots to dig down deeper, and in order for beautiful spring flowers to bloom, they must first start out as a seed buried underground and must push through the soil in order to grow.
5.) Your Growth Can Stimulate Others to Grow
Your personal growth process is about more than just you. Although it may seem so all consuming about yourself, your dreams, your hopes, your future, etc; there is more to it than that. You have the power to positively impact the lives of others through just simply choosing to live a life of integrity as you steadfastly pursue your dreams. You don’t have to be called a “mentor” to be one. There are probably people that already consider you to be one. So keep going forward and don’t give up. In the end, you will reap what you sow.
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